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Limitless Arts Global

About Us

Hello Special Guest
Welcome to Limitless Arts Global! The First of its kind in the performing arts training industry! Wait, The first of it’s kind? Yes, and I will get to that in moment. (If you are extremely curious and an impatient reader like myself, you can skip the mind-blowing story)
Our Story There he was, not sure what to do with his time, but very sure what to do with his life. Michael had just finished 4 years of performance arts training and now where could a Job be found? Nowhere apparently... So he did what he had been doing the past 4 months; he prayed and searched and asked around. Finally, the first of April God answered Michaels’ prayers... but it was different. Michael asked, “God am I hearing you right?”. Then he prayed for another week and got the same answer, “Michael, teach what you know”. This was a surprise, but anyway he set out to do it. Then “Boom” in the first month, June 2018, there were 9 students. By the end of the year-18 students, then February 2019 there were 40 Students. Was this Craziness? He likes to think so. Why? Because he is very sure of what he wants to do with his life... That is to use stage to glorify God.
The First of our kind? The above story is such a crazy story for me because in starting a business, in being obedient, I started my future. My future is to use stage to glorify God and now what first showed as a business to teach performing arts is becoming a Performing Arts Industry, a World, and Megahub, a Platform. WHAT DO I MEAN? Well, Imagine a Performing Arts Academy for all ages and skill levels. (May I mention our brilliant teachers have so little admin, also we sponsor 10% of our students). Then imagine a group of skilled individuals that teach others to use performing arts in Church and bring God to life on stage in a creative way. Then Imagine how through our school and church development we will develop quality people and performers to go ahead and Tour internationally using stage to Glorify God. Specifically focusing on sharing messages that cause audiences/individuals to evaluate their life, relationship with God, and purpose.
Also this group will do conferences, seminars, workshops, and camps where we will teach kids, teenagers, adults, art lovers, aspiring performers, teachers and producers how to use the Arts to generate an income(a business), and influence their community. We will be Evangelizing, and then teaching the community and church how to use this the ARTS in a practical way in business, church and ministry. Evangelizing to bring people to Christ, Teaching to equip people for their calling and purpose.
Coming to the End

Limitless describes what we do so well; the limitless potential of each person, the limitless possibilities that are out there, the limitless effect that you/your child could have. And ARTS is perhaps a way we could unlock this or perhaps it’s what we will use to unlock others. To be Limitless is such an exciting, encouraging thought!
The Aim, is to develop the individual to be the best they can be and encourage their heart to reach their community and world with their Gift.
The Goal is to use Arts for its creative and constructive purpose within the individual, community and world, without supporting an unhealthy mindset of desire for fame, wealth, and only ourselves.
Yours Truly Michael


Class name Description Style Day Time Instructor Branch
Contemporary Ages 12+ Contemporary Tuesday 06:30 PM - 07:15 PM Michael Andrew Barnard Limitless Arts Global MIDRAND
Bboy Trainees-Apprentice Intermediate-Advanced Breakdancing Bboy Wednesday 05:45 PM - 06:30 PM Michael Andrew Barnard Limitless Arts Global MIDRAND
Adult Dance and Strengthening Hip Hop, Horton, Ballet, and Fun Strengt Mixed Wednesday 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM Adriel Barnard Limitless Arts Global MIDRAND

Contact us

Limitless Arts Global

14 East street, Halfway Gardens